
Friday 16 September 2016

Bayes and the Law: what's been happening in Cambridge and how you can see it

Programme Organisers (left to right): R Gill, D Lagnado, L Schneps, D Balding, N Fenton
Since 21 July 2016 I have been running the Isaac Newton Institute (INI) Programme on Probability and Statistics in Forensic Science in Cambridge.

For those of you who were not fortunate enough to be at the first formal workshop "The nature of questions arising in court that can be addressed via probability and statistical methods" (30 August to 2 September) you can watch the full videos here of most of the 35 presentations on the INI website. The presentation slide are also available in the INI link..

The workshop attracted many of the world's leading figures from the law, statistics and forensics with a mixture of academics (including mathematicians and legal scholar), forensic practitioners, and practicing lawyers (including judges and eminent QCs). It was rated a great success.

The second formal workshop "Bayesian Networks and Argumentation in Evidence Analysis" will take place on 26-29 September. It is also part of the BAYES-KNOWLEDGE project programe of work. For those who wish to attend, but cannot, the workshop will be streamed live.

Norman Fenton, 16 September 2016


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